Model based software development with Clojure
02.04.2014 Permalink In software development, models serve basically two different purposes: one is communication among humans, the other is capturing essential information about an aspect of the system in some formal way. Here I deal with the second purpose: using a formal model to automatically create executable parts of the system.TL;DR if you're interested in creating Clojure data in a DSL-like fashion then go to metam on GitHub to see if it is of help to you.
Formal models are expressive power
Why would we want to use formal models in software development? Current mainstream programming languages tend to be cumbersome and verbose. Expressing solutions by specifying only the absolutely necessary information is in most cases impossible. Imperative languages for example force us to introduce order and state management, which in most cases are not essential for a specification, but mere implementation details. These details blur the essence. It becomes hard to reason about the solution and to change it. The promise of modeling is that we only take care for the essential complexity. The mapping of the model to all the nasty implementation details is done by processing the model in a uniform, automated way. The main reason for formal models apart from our program code is therefore a weakness of a language to succinctly express specifications of solutions. Lisp always allowed to raise the level of abstraction within the language, which means we develop the language towards the problem. Lisp embraces language oriented programming and model based software development in very deep way. Still, the concepts and ideas in the model-driven orbit have a value, and it helps to be aware of those even when you have the magic of Clojure at your disposal. In the forthcoming sections I'll try to show how we can technically apply these concepts using Clojure as our main tool.A model is structured data
Many people tend to think of models as being something graphical, made up of boxes, circles and lines. But this is only a graphical representation of a model, it's not the model. So, what in essence is a model? Don't be fooled by all those 3-letter acronyms, heavy-weight modeling tools or recent language workbenches. A model is only structured data. Its structure is described by what is called a meta model, non-modelers would simply call it a schema. And a schema is a set of constraints a.k.a predicates.Clojure is well equipped to deal with models
Structured data? Predicates? This sounds like Clojure (or any other functional language) is fit to process models with ease. So let's take a closer look. Well-known topics in the model-driven orbit are- editing with textual or graphical representation,
- meta model definition,
- model validation,
- transformation,
- artifact generation, and
- interpretation.
Text based editing and representation
If we want to create a model we can just write it down in EDN. Here, I use the state machine model that M. Fowler used as introductory example in his DSL book. In Clojure I could represent the model like so:(defn unlock-door [state] state) (defn lock-door [state] state) (defn unlock-panel [state] state) (defn lock-panel [state] state) (def secret-compartment1 {:commands [unlock-door lock-door unlock-panel lock-panel] :states {"idle" {:commands [unlock-door lock-panel] :transitions [{:doorClosed "active"}]} "active" {:commands [] :transitions {:lightOn "waiting-for-drawer," :drawerOpenend "waiting-for-light"}} "waiting-for-light" {:commands [] :transitions {:lightOn "unlocked-panel"}} "waiting-for-drawer" {:commands [] :transitions {:drawerOpened "unlocked-panel"}} "unlocked-panel" {:commands [unlock-panel lock-door] :transitions {:panelClosed "idle"}}} :reset-events [:doorOpened] :initial-state :idle})
(def secret-compartment2 (state-machine "secret-compartment2" :commands [unlock-door lock-door unlock-panel lock-panel] :states [(state "idle" [unlock-door lock-panel] {:doorClosed "active"}) (state "active" {:lightOn "waiting-for-drawer" :drawerOpenend "waiting-for-light"}) (state "waiting-for-light" {:lightOn "unlocked-panel"}) (state "waiting-for-drawer" {:drawerOpened "unlocked-panel"}) (state "unlocked-panel" [unlock-panel lock-door] {:panelClosed "idle"})] :reset-events [:doorOpened]))
Meta model definition and validation
With metam the visual difference is not big, but metam also provides validation of a model. The meta model is in essence only a set of constraints expressed as predicates. Applying these predicates to data is model validation. Clojure is not restrictive. We can produce arbitrary data and label it as an instance of the meta model, but only validation reveals if this is true. Meta model definition and validation are two sides of the same coin. For the purpose of validation, metam allows you to specify predicates that are automatically attached to model elements and offers avalid?
function. We use the REPL to quickly detect errors as the model grows. The meta model for the state machine and a convenience function are shown below:
(defmetamodel statemachine (make-hierarchy) {::state* {:commands [(coll fn?)] :transitions [(coll keyword? string?)]} ::state-machine {:commands [(coll fn?)] :states [(coll (type-of ::state*))] :reset-events [(coll keyword?)]}} #'no-defaults) (defn state ([name transitions] (state name [] transitions)) ([name commands transitions] (state* name :commands commands :transitions transitions)))
(defmacro defstatemachine [sym & args] `(def ~sym (let [sm# (state-machine ~(str sym) ~@args) drs# (dangling-references sm#)] (if (seq drs#) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "The following states are referenced, but not defined " drs#)))) (transform-states sm#)))) (defn dangling-references "Returns the set of references to states that are not defined." [sm] (let [defd-state-names (->> sm :states (map :name) set) refd-state-names (->> sm :states (mapcat :transitions) (map second) set)] (difference refd-state-names defd-state-names))) (defn transform-states "Turns the vector of states into a map with the state name as key." [sm] (let [states-map (->> sm :states (map (juxt :name identity)) (into {}))] (-> sm (assoc :states states-map) (assoc :initial-state (-> sm :states first)))))
(defstatemachine secret-compartment3 :commands [unlock-door lock-door unlock-panel lock-panel] :states [(state "idle" [unlock-door lock-panel] {:doorClosed "active"}) (state "active" {:lightOn "waiting-for-drawer" :drawerOpenend "waiting-for-light"}) (state "waiting-for-light" {:lightOn "unlocked-panel"}) (state "waiting-for-drawer" {:drawerOpened "unlocked-panel"}) (state "unlocked-panel" [unlock-panel lock-door] {:panelClosed "idle"})] :reset-events [:doorOpened])
events doorClosed drawerOpened lightOn reset doorOpened panelClosed end commands unlockPanel lockPanel lockDoor unlockDoor end state idle actions { unlockDoor lockPanel } doorClosed => active end state active drawerOpened => waitingForLight lightOn => waitingForDraw end state waitingForLight lightOn => unlockedPanel end state waitingForDraw drawerOpened => unlockedPanel end state unlockedPanel actions { unlockPanel lockDoor } panelClosed => idle end... and create a corresponding parser with instaparse:
(def statemachine-parser (insta/parser " MACHINE = <s>? EVENTS <s> COMMANDS <s> STATES <s>? STATES = (STATE <s>)* STATE EVENTS = <'events'> <s> (EVENT <s>)+ <'end'> COMMANDS = <'commands'> <s> (COMMAND <s>)+ <'end'> STATE = <'state'> <s> token (<s> ACTIONS)? <s> TRANSITIONS <'end'> ACTIONS = <'actions'> <s>? <'{'> <s>? (COMMAND <s>)* <'}'> TRANSITIONS = (TRANSITION <s>)* TRANSITION = token <s> <'=>'> <s> token EVENT = 'reset'? token COMMAND = token <token> = #'[a-zA-Z]+' <s> = #'\\s+' "))
Graphical representation
The strength of graphical representation is that humans can comprehend diagrams quicker and spot connections or patterns that no one would see in a textual representation. The state machine is a nice example:
(defn statename [s] (let [n (if (string? s) s (:name s))] (.replaceAll n "-" ""))) (defn umlstr [sm] (str "@startuml\n" "[*] -> " (-> sm :initial-state :name) "\n" (apply str (for [from-state (-> sm :states vals), [event to-state] (:transitions from-state)] (str (statename from-state) " --> " (statename to-state) (str " : " (name event)) "\n"))) (apply str (for [state (-> sm :states vals), command (:commands state)] (str (statename state) ":" (-> command class str (.split "\\$") (nth 1)) "\n"))) "\n@enduml")) (defn generate-png [sm pngfile] (with-open [os (io/output-stream pngfile)] (-> sm umlstr SourceStringReader. (.generateImage os))))
(add-watch #'secret-compartment3 :diagram (fn [k r o n] (generate-png n (io/file "/home/riemensc/test.png"))))
Graphical editors are expensive
If a graphical editor is a must to satisfy the needs of the people who edit the model, then chances are that bare Clojure is the wrong tool for the job. At the moment, I am not aware of a customizable editor that produces Clojure data or a similar format to be processed by Clojure. Of course we could leave the Clojure ecosystem and use external tools or frameworks and finally feed the model for further processing into a Clojure function, but this can certainly be done with any programming language. Anyway we must consider carefully, if a graphical editor is what we want. Building a usable graphical editor takes quite some effort, and editing a graphical model using point-and-click is likely to be significantly slower than editing text, once you're accustomed to the grammar. Still, you can generate a graphical representation to support intuitive understanding, which gives us the best of both worlds.Generation, Interpretation and Transformation
Artifact generation is employed at compile-time and the resulting text is usually written to external files, which must be considered in the downstream build process. Interpretation on the other hand takes place at runtime and requires the model at runtime. It usually causes side-effects to runtime state. Transformation can take place any time, it is often used to supply derived model elements and/or ease further processing. It yields another model, in other words: only data. Clojure gives us multi-methods which are a perfect fit for systematically processing all model elements in a polymorphic fashion. To give you an example I switch to another type of model, taken from the instaweb sample. Suppose we wanted to build many HTML forms with Clojure. Hiccup itself gives us a Clojure data representation for HTML, but this is certainly too low level. For a form like the following:
(defn address-panel [] (panel "Address" :elements [(textfield "Name" :required true) (textfield "Street") (textfield "Zipcode") (textfield "City") (checkbox "Faraway" :label "Is it far away?") (button "OK") (button "Back")]))
(declare defaults) (defn binding? [x] (or (nil? x) (keyword? x) (vector? x))) (defmetamodel forml (-> (make-hierarchy) (derive ::button ::widget) (derive ::checkbox ::widget) (derive ::label ::widget) (derive ::panel ::widget) (derive ::table ::widget) (derive ::textfield ::widget)) {::button {:text [string?]} ::checkbox {:bind [binding?] :label [string?]} ::column {:bind [binding?] :text [string?]} ::label {:class [string?] :text [string?] :for [string?]} ::panel {:elements [(coll (type-of ::widget))] :title [string?]} ::table {:bind [binding?] :columns [(coll (type-of ::column))] :title [string?]} ::textfield {:bind [binding?] :label [string?] :required [boolean?] :value []}} #'defaults) (defn keyword-from-name [spec] (-> spec :name lower-case keyword)) (defdefaults defaults forml {:default nil [::checkbox :bind] (keyword-from-name spec) [::checkbox :label] (:name spec) [::column :bind ] (keyword-from-name spec) [::column :text] (:name spec) [::panel :title] (:name spec) [::table :bind] (keyword-from-name spec) [::table :title] (:name spec) [::textfield :bind] (keyword-from-name spec) [::textfield :label] (:name spec) [::textfield :required] false [::widget :text] (:name spec)})
(defmulti generate* (fn [parentid data el] (metatype el))) (defmethod generate* :default [parentid data el] "") (defmethod generate* ::f/button [parentid data el] (let [id (make-id parentid el)] [:input {:id id :type "submit" :value (:text el)}])) (defmethod generate* ::f/checkbox [parentid data el] (let [id (make-id parentid el)] (with-label el id [:input {:id id :type "checkbox" :checked (value data el)}]))) (defmethod generate* ::f/label [parentid data el] (let [id (make-id parentid el)] [:label (attrs el id :for :class) (:text el)])) (defmethod generate* ::f/panel [parentid data el] (let [id (make-id parentid el)] [:div {:id id :class "form"} [:p {:class "heading"} (:title el)] (->> el :elements (map (partial generate* id data)))])) (defn column-header [col] (vector :th (:text col))) (defn table-row [cols item] (vector :tr (map #(vector :td (value item %)) cols))) (defmethod generate* ::f/table [parentid data el] (let [cols (:columns el) items (value data el)] [:div {:class "table"} [:p {:class "heading"} (:title el)] [:table [:tr (map column-header cols)] (map (partial table-row cols) items)]])) (defmethod generate* ::f/textfield [parentid data el] (let [id (make-id parentid el)] (with-label el id [:input {:id id :type "text" :value (value data el)}]))) (defn generate ([el] (generate* "" {} el)) ([data el] (generate* "" data el)))
Beyond models
So far, I restricted myself to how data (a.k.a model) can be edited and used to derive an executable part of the system. But a Lisp can do more, often without us being aware that we just switched to the meta level. In Lisp, code is data. Because models are data the code itself forms a model. This model is available at compile-time to macros, which are regular code that transforms code, just like functions transform data structures. In other words: we can extend the language within the language. Or we can apply changes to code to yield a different behaviour. This sounds great, but don't rush into it before thinking twice. After all, the well-known first rule of "Macro Club" is: Don't write macros! Indeed macros are not necessary in most cases. Consequent application of DRY often results in Clojure code that only contains the essential information for specifying the solution. Thinking about modeling in those cases is superfluous, the code IS the model. A macro might only provide a tiny last bit to make it perfect. Compojure is a good example. Adefroute
expression reads like a configuration in a specialized DSL, but if you take a look at what the macros are doing then you would agree that the referenced library functions already form a nice API for defining routes.
Of course there are other areas where macros are not just a means to add nice-to-have syntactic sugar, but are essential to enable a certain style of programming. As a very simple example the threading macros ->
and ->>
come to my mind. They enable us to write long, yet comprehensible access pathes or sequences of transformations in the actual order of the execution. Compare these two expressions:
(vec (map symbol (map name (keys (:fields metadata))))) (->> metadata :fields keys (map name) (map symbol) vec)
's go
macro. If you haven't done yet, please read the blog post about the State Machines of core.async. The expressions between channel accesses are assigned to states of a state machine in order to execute these pieces asynchronously. This enables CSP-style programs which follow a very own paradigm to deal with concurrency. To create a similar effect with todays tools in the model-driven orbit requires considerable effort, and the result would certainly not compose seamlessly with our host language.