Fast Feedback
Uncertainty is a permanent companion when developing non-trivial
software systems. The combination of technology, industry,
organization and individual constraints that we find in a project is
almost always unique. There are hundreds of decisions that have to be
taken, and it's hardly possible to foresee all consequences for even
one decision on a theoretical level.
Certainly the costliest mistakes we can make is building the wrong
system: software engineers believe they understood exactly what users
need but they err. Even if the project team documents all requirements
in a precise specification odds are that users or their
representatives are not able to check if the described system will
meet their true needs. This is a well-known risk and agile processes
aim to mitigate it by delivering increments of the system on a
short-term regular basis.
The underlying principle is
fast feedback. We acknowledge that
building a complex system is actually more trial-and-error than a
linear, foreseeable process. So we produce artifacts that can
immediatly be judged by stakeholders. They provide feedback, the
creators recalibrate the product and the result is true
progress. Agile process methodologies usually apply this principle to
the whole system only, but actually there are numerous opportunities
to apply
fast feedback in
a project.
Many days before the first line of code is written usability engineers
have the chance to elicit needs and context information from users by
jointly working on
cheap (paper) prototypes of the user
interface. While users always have a hard time describing their needs
in prose they can usually decide quickly if an imaginary UI supports
their workflow or not.
Another area where feedback is invaluable concerns the
of a system. Instead of just plumbing available libraries together in
order to produce the first increment with business value, a careful
implementation of a few simple use cases on the basis of a rough
architecture blueprint reveals deep insights. The result usually has
no business value. Developers learn if and how things fit
together. They are able to conduct very early load tests to learn
about scalability.
A project team that uses a
continuous integration (CI) system
fast feedback. A developer quickly notices if her
changes break the existing code base and can apply a fix to it. Here,
the importance of "
fast" becomes visible: since the feedback is
given within few minutes there is no mental context switch necessary,
so the fix will usually take only a blink of an eye.
Code reviews are the most effective (and usually cheapest) way
to improve on code quality. Actually they promote code quality as well
as developer skills at the same time. But in order to keep "technical
debt" small these reviews must be conducted quickly, which means it's
ok if they are informal and almost spontaneous. I found the
combination of Git, Gerrit and Jenkins to be a viable tooling that
integrates code reviews as a mandatory step in the CI process.
I have experienced more than once that
early system testing of
a software that is still under construction actually helps with
product quality. Although bug reports for a half-finished system are
sometimes a little disturbing for the developers it urges them early
to recalibrate their quality standard to meet test expectations. In
addition, the cooperation between test and development team is
trained, which is beneficial when things start to get hectic.
As the last example in this row I'd like to name
interactive development
as it is practiced by Lisp developers. With Lisp and its REPL
(read-eval-print-loop) it is common to change the running system. Lisp
developers try out snippets of code in the REPL, one feedback cycle
literally takes only seconds. They apply changes to the code base by
using these snippets and what they have learned "in the REPL". The
result is usually software that "just works" because it was written
under permanent test. (But - of course - well-known test activities
like unit testing and system testing remain indispensable.)
To conclude: I'm a firm believer in the merits of the principle of
fast feedback. Examples of its beneficial application can be
seen throughout the software development process. Therefore I tend to
reject everything that may inhibit or slow down feedback: clumsy
application servers, writing lengthy specifications up-front, long
discussions on the basis of merely belief etc. We can certainly make
more use of it if we actively seek for opportunities to apply
fast feedback regardless of the process model.